Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 21-22 2011

I started out at school... Fantastic, right? But we were supposed to go to some ceremony thing or what not, and it was very dark out for whatever reason.

I was expecting the bus to be bringing me home, but instead, it dropped us off at a road and I had no idea what that road was... Suddenly, my phone rang - in the dream I had a cell phone, though I don't have a cell phone in real life so I don't know where it came from.

Anyway, it was my mom, and she was being nice in that dream.

I told her what road she was on and she was freaking out and telling me that there was some kind of murderer running around, so we all began to run down the road and half of us ended up getting turned around. When I made it to that 'ceremony', my drivers ed instructor was there ... how odd... and a few others were there too.

Suddenly, alien like creatures began jumping at us from everywhere.

I jumped on to a stack of crates and found a laser gun (oh yeah! :D) and started shooting them.

Apparently I forgot the use of looking around yourself when you're being attacked by aliens, and something bit me, and I turned, and there was a giant alien smashing around behind, and I was being bitten by a tiny one, and suddenly...

I got stepped on... And woke up.

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