Saturday, September 17, 2011

SEPTEMBER 16-17 2011

First of all, I had this dream before... About a few months ago, or even a year, perhaps... But in my dream, I knew it was a dream, and I knew I'd had this dream before, so I changed it. Anyway. The dream-

I was in the middle of Augusta (Maine), and we were being attacked by terrorists. Explosions, fires and shooting was tearing across the city. I was, along with a few others from my team, running to the house where the terrorists were, and there was this terrorist there. He shot at us, and an officer shot at him.

He then reached for the radio, which in the other dream he used to notify the others that we had found them, but as I recalled that during the dream, we managed to get the radio from him so he couldn't.

A little kid - one of the terrorists, who was really creepy looking, let me say - came out and gave us a look of death.

I was holding the radio when we heard several gunshots and I could see flashes coming from further down the street.

We then were in the fire truck and were flooring it down the street, trying to find someone who needed help. We passed a little girl who came running from a house and was crying and waving her arms at us - from my older dream, I remember we had turned back to help her mom and then preceded to die as a terrorist came rushing up behind us...

So we made it to that place, which for whatever reason reminds me of a court house, and my attention kept getting drawn to a bird cage hanging from the ceiling. It was pouring blood.

Next thing I knew, there was a loud wailing outside and the windows exploded inward and I woke up.

I'm thinking it was a bomb.

Got to love all those violent dreams, right?

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